Typography is a critical component of good graphic design. Some may even argue it is the most important design element aside from imagery. Finding the perfect font for your design project can be a difficult and costly undertaking. Fortunately, there are many font providers and pricing options available making it easier to create the perfect design. Use this list as a resource to search and download fonts online for your next project.
Premium Fonts
MyFonts | www.myfonts.com |
Monotype | www.fonts.com |
Adobe | www.adobe.com |
Emigre | www.emigre.com |
FontShop | www.fontshop.com |
House Industries | www.houseindustries.com |
FontHaus | www.fonthaus.com |
TypeNetwork | www.typenetwork.com |
Fontlab | www.fontlab.com |
DaFont | www.dafont.com |
Fontalicious | www.fontalicious.com |
Free Fonts
Font Squirrel | www.fontsquirrel.com |
Search Free Fonts | www.searchfreefonts.com |
UrbanFonts | www.urbanfonts.com |
1001 Free Fonts | www.1001freefonts.com |
FontSpace | www.fontspace.com |